The Best Life

Dec 29, 2024    Chris Boggs

In our journey through life, we often underestimate the profound impact of friendship on our wellbeing. This message delves into the heart of Proverbs 18:24, reminding us that 'there is a friend who sticks closer than a brother.' We're challenged to reflect on the quality of our relationships and how they shape our lives. The Harvard Study of Adult Development, spanning generations, reveals a powerful truth: good relationships keep us healthier, stronger, and happier. As we navigate our faith journey, let's consider how we can embody Christ's love in our friendships. Are we loving at all times, as Proverbs 17:17 encourages? Are we willing to speak face-to-face with honesty and vulnerability, mirroring God's relationship with Moses? This message invites us to cultivate deep, meaningful connections that reflect God's unconditional love, reminding us that walking with a friend in the dark is indeed better than walking alone in the light.